Stock: 92 557 items
Last updated: July 2013
The Universal Collection contains editions published after 1830 in Russian, in the languages of the peoples of the present Russian Federation and in foreign languages. The works cover all the spheres of human activities. Reader can get acquainted with such parts of Russian and European culture and history as:
- life editions of classics of literature of 19th — 20th centuries;
- encyclopaedias and reference books;
- other unique editions.
The Universal Collection represents a result of the cooperation of the RSL and the RNPLST in digitization of works of Russian classical literature (18th — 20th centuries) which were acknowledged as national heritage. These works include:
- poetry and prose;
- publicism, memoirs and epistolary heritage of Russian writers;
- editions of literary criticism;
- pieces of old Russian literature;
- Russian legends, fairy tales, bylinas, proverbs, songs, pieces of hagiography, etc.
There are also accessible works of modern authors who signed an official contract with the library. Thus the latter satisfied the demands of the RF legislation concerning the mechanism of transferring intellectual property rights.
The collection is a large repertoire of documents on history and culture of Russia and the boarding territories. It offers an opportunity to get acquainted with best oeuvres of scientific thought and also to trace forming of the Russian nation in all aspects during several centuries.
Here reader can find books digitized within the framework of the following projects:
- Heritage of Russian literature online (L. N. Tolstoy);
- National symbols of Russia, history and reality;
- Pre-revolutionary regulations of Russia (till 1917), etc.
The Universal Collection includes a representative Collection of Editions on Library Work.
The Universal Collection contains thousands of books in leading European languages — in French, English and German. There are also editions in Polish, Italian, Swedish, Spanish, Norwegian, Dutch, Portuguese and other languages.
The collection is intended for a broad circle of readers, beginning from school children and students and up to scientists and researchers.
Recent Acquisitions
Вейдемейер А. И. О России под державою дома Романовых до единодержавия Петра Великого. — СПб., 1858.
Veidemeier, A. I. On Russia under the power of Romanov House up to monocracy of Peter the Great. — St. Petersburg, 1858.
The chronicle comprising important events in Russian history of 17—18th centuries is compiled by a learned historian Alexander Veidemeier (died in 1852), whose works are appreciated and frequently referred to by modern historians.
A. Veidemeier wrote a number of works focused at Russian historic past and some celebrated citizens of the period. Interestingly, the book ’On Russia...’ was officially censored by a prominent Russian historic novelist I. Lazhechnikov (1792—1869).